Next November 19th, Francesco Tristano will share the stage with the BBC Concert Orchestra as part of the London Jazz Festival.

This concert features an improvised piano concerto, ‘Island Nation’, the first of Francesco’s compositions for orchestra and piano since 1997. To open the concert Tristano collides with Bach, giving his own interpretation of the Baroque composer’s intricate and feisty Piano Concerto in D minor.

You can watch an interpretation of ‘Island Nation’ on Boiler Room recorded with MDR Symphony Orchestra & Kristjan Järvi.

Before the presentation, Francesco will be with Sean Rafferty on BBC Radio 3 on Friday at 4.30 PM (UK time), you can find it here:

Boiler Room will stream the world premiere of Francesco Tristano’s Piano Concerto: Island Nation live from the Gewandhaus Leipzig with the MDR Symphony conducted by Kristjan Jarvi, and FT at the piano.

Watch it here

Francesco-Trisano-Leipzig-Flyer-colour dos

Drawing inspiration from a recent trip to an unnamed island nation, FT’s free piano concerto is free inasmuch as the piano part is only written down in part and leaves considerable space open for improvisation.

The piano takes on the identity of a free island nation surrounded by the ocean – the orchestra – which in turn provides the laws, harmonic and rhythmic, that rule the structure and evolution of the three movements. This is FT’s first composition for large orchestra since 1997.
